Show creators wanted more blood and more tears for the game

Dec 14, 2011 20:11 GMT  ·  By

Obsidian has already said that the new South Park: The Game title will use the same irreverent tone as the television show on which it is based but it seems that the developers needed some time to understand just how bloody the experience was going to be.

Matt MacLean, who is the leading designer working on South Park at Obsidian, told Game Informer, “A lot of the combat in South Park is really just kids being kids. There’s a lot of juvenile violence with wholly unsafe toys. When we showed Matt and Trey an early build, one of the comments was: ‘I want the kids the bleed more. I want the kids to cry more. I want these kids to really just treat each other like crap because that’s what kids do. They’re really rough with each other.”

It seems that the idea of just taking the real life interests and activities of kids and giving them an edge came directly from the creators of the South Park television show.

It seems that the overall battle system will be similar to that seen in Paper Mario, with the player character and one partner taking on at the moment five enemies, using abilities and special moves to overcome the challenge.

MacLean also offered some information on the Jew class the South Park will offer, adding, “The current design for him is he’s a high-risk/high-reward character. The closer he is to death, the more powerful his abilities become. So you’re strongest when you are at one hit point, but you’re also just about to die.”

After choosing the main class players will be able to customize it as the game progresses and they will also be able to design their own weapons.

South Park: The Game will be launched during the second half of 2012 on the PlayStation 3, the Xbox 360 and the PC.