The latest release is a result of a partnership with the Center for Internet and Security

Oct 31, 2013 10:43 GMT  ·  By

Sophos has updated its Threatsaurus, an A to Z glossary that’s designed to help regular users understand computer and data security threats. 

The best thing about the Threatsaurus is that it’s written in plain English so anyone, even less tech savvy users, can understand it. It includes examples of scams, malware, identity theft and other threats, and tips to staying safe.

The updated and redesigned version of the Threatsaurus is a result of a partnership between Sophos and the Center for Internet and Security, a non-profit organization focused on enhancing the cyber security readiness and response of public and private sector entities.

The changes in the latest release include a more concise and cost-effective print layout, simplified definitions and explanations, and updated tips and examples.

The Threatsaurus is available on Sophos’ website. You can also check out the video to learn more about this educational resource.