Gamers will be able to control downloads and send messages

Oct 8, 2013 14:13 GMT  ·  By

The team working on hardware inside Sony says that it is planning to launch a PlayStation 4 companion app for the Vita handheld via its next firmware update, which might be delivered before the next-gen console is out.

Shuhei Yoshida, the leader of Sony Worldwide Studios, states via Twitter that, “We'll add ‘PS4 Link’ app to PS Vita with the next update.”

The application is designed to allow players who own both devices to launch remote downloads for their favorite titles and deliver messages to friends using the official PlayStation Network account.

Sony is keen to make the Vita a second screen companion for the PlayStation 4, which might lead to a boost in sales for the underperforming handheld.

The PS4 will be offered in North America on November 15 and gamers in Europe will get access to it on November 29.