Not clear whether it will be launched in North America and Europe

Nov 18, 2011 03:11 GMT  ·  By

Sony Computer Entertainment Japan has launched a new social network, called Play Community, which is aimed specifically at those who play titles created for the PlayStation family of devices, either in home console or handheld form.

Users in Japan are able to use their PlayStation Network ID in order to sign in and they will be then able to import their PlayStation friends list, create groups with other gamers, send messages and look for partners for multiplayer gaming.

Gamers are also encouraged to set up a personal page, listing the games that they own and play and showing off the Trophies that they have managed to gather so far.

Sony has not yet said whether the Play Community social network will also be launched for players in North America and in Europe.

It's not clear why Sony Japan has chosen to create yet another social space for PlayStation gamers, seeing how the PlayStation Network already delivers some similar features and that Home has long been advertised as being the best way for Sony fans to interact with one another, with games for the platform and with a number of commercial partners.

The Home space was relaunched earlier during the fall and Sony has said that it plans to make it more friendly to newcomers while also launching more social games for them to play when they visit.

It's unlikely that the Play Community initiative will gain much traction but it might lead to the development of some features that will then be implemented in either PSN or Home to make them more attractive.

Gaming consoles have recently made efforts to become more social and encourage players to interact with friends and fellow gamers because they feel threatened by the rise in social gaming that is mainly taking place on the PC and on Facebook.