Users are required to sign up for a Box account through the Android app

Dec 15, 2011 15:13 GMT  ·  By

Sony Ericsson came forward with an interesting promotion about two weeks ago, which provided Xperia phones users with 50GB of free online storage via Box service.


However, the company pulled the announcement and issued a statement saying that the promo was mistakenly published and that the company is in fact in the middle of negotiations with Box to make the offer available for Xperia users.


Well, that doesn’t matter anymore as the handset manufacturer has just announced that the promotion is now live for all Xperia phones owners.


Basically, each Xperia phone user will receive 50GB of free online storage for digital content, including photos, music and video via Box application for Android.


With people  taking more pictures, listening to more music and watching more video on their Xperia smartphone than ever before, especially over the holidays, we wanted to make sure that they had the ability to upload their content to the cloud and share  it across multiple devices,” said Steve Walker, Chief Marketing Officer, Sony Ericsson.


Those who wish to take advantage of the offer are required to log into their Box for Android account, or create a new one and access it for lifetime of account. There’s no need to hurry, as the promotion runs from today through December 31, 2012.


Box for Android application is available as a free download in the Android Market and is compatible with most Android devices, but Sony Ericsson’s offer is limited to Xperia phones.  

The Box promotion begins on 15 December 2011 through until December 31, 2012, and is available to all consumers worldwide who own any Xperia smartphone including and released after Xperia X10.


As more people bring their personal devices in to work to take full advantage of mobile computing, it is essential that they never have to worry about storage limitations. By partnering with Sony Ericsson we are bringing the full power of Box’s cloud content management and sharing to those users,” said Aaron Levie, co-founder and CEO of Box.