Reality star unveils slimmer figure in new commercial

Jan 26, 2012 21:31 GMT  ·  By

These days, Snooki is cutting a different figure than that of a year ago. She's more stylish, more fashionable and, most importantly, slimmer and apparently in better health.

We now know why – officially.

Fans of the diminute reality star (Snooki got her launching pad in MTV's “Jersey Shore”) must already know that she's lost a lot of weight recently and, contrary to what she said at first, it wasn't because she cut down on alcohol.

As speculation on her “magic” weight loss started to pick up pace online, she confirmed that she'd become the spokesperson for a pill called Zantrex-3, which boasts of aiding in shifting the extra pounds, while also boosting the energy level considerably.

The first ad for it with Snooki has emerged – and you can see it in its entirety below.

The 28-second clip features her only briefly, perhaps because the makers didn't want to look as if they were selling out by showing their main star only.

By including many other women, all of them happy, bouncing with joy and energy to the track of “I'm So Excited,” the ad manages to “keep it real” and relatable.

Snooki appears towards the end. She even does a few turns and then smiles coyly, feigning shame when her skirt goes high enough to almost reveal her underwear.

With all that, the message is clear: she's thinner now and she's happier than ever.

Zantrex claims to lead to weight lose by speeding up the metabolism and boosting energy levels, which help the dieter burn more calories with as much effort as before.

Snooki might be the official spokesperson for the brand, but it's been known to be used by other celebrities as well.

Most notably, a few years ago, Britney Spears was photographed holding – and trying to hide – a container of the weight loss pill.