Keep your cat in optimal health with Tailio

Nov 12, 2014 15:19 GMT  ·  By

Everything these days revolves around tech and everybody makes use of it one way or another. So what’s stopping you from giving a piece of gadgetry to your cat?

Nothing really and some start-ups are even trying to lure with you different kitty-specific products. Like that robotic mouse we talked about a few days ago, which was supposed to keep your cat entertained.

Tailio targets the well-being of your cat

Well, the folks behind Tailio are going a little further beyond kitty entertainment and taking dominion over the much-dreaded litter box.

The Tailio is a smart litter box which aims to keep tabs on your feline’s health, by adding Wi-Fi to a list of various sensors and linking the device to a smartphone application.

Tailio is not a litter box per se, but actually a small stand which sits under your usual kitty toilet to monitor your feline’s comings and goings.

If you must know specifics, Tailio is able to measure the weight of the cat, the weight of their excretions, time spent on the “stall,” time of day or night of the visit and so on.

Tailio makes use of a special kind of algorithm that can distinguish between multiple felines, so if you’re household is home to several furry friends, one Tailio will be able to track the habits of all.

If you might be wondering why you’d need to track the toilet habits of your cat, the makers of Tailio explain their device offers a precautionary method that hopes to spot signs of ill health early on. For example, if the animal has lost a lot of weight lately, the owner will be alerted.

While the Tailio monitors the patterns of your cat, the companion app will alert you immediately after something off course has been detected. The app also includes a system checker that will help you decide whether it’s time to take the kitty out for an early vet-trip.

The intelligent cat health-tracker is compatible with iOS or Android phones.

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For the time being, Tailio isn't something you can pick up at your local pet store. The project is currently sitting up on Kickstarter aiming to raise funds in the next 29 days, but they haven’t managed to raise up a lot of cash for the time being.

A limited number of early birds who want to secure a smart kitty litter accessory can do so for $99 / €78, then the pricing goes up to $149 / €119 or more.

Tailio turns your average litterbox into a smart device (8 Images)

Why do cat owners need Tailio?
Feline approaching TailioCat owners cat rest at ease their cat is healthy with Tailio