Threatstop targeting Storm

Sep 13, 2007 14:06 GMT  ·  By

These guys are serious about fighting the Storm virus. It has many names and many faces, but all of you know what threat I'm talking about. It's the Trojan bot that has formed the world's largest botnet with more computing power than BlueGene! In any case, Threatstop came up with something to hit Storm right in its face !

I can't say I've heard a lot about this firm before, but the idea is what counts. They're currently experimenting with a DNS-based blocklist scheme to dynamically block storm worm infected hosts, as SANS informs us. If you're thinking that it might not work, then think again, because their not using a standard DNS blocklist. That would require a DNS lookup for each new IP address seen. These guys are assessing the problem a bit differently, you have to add a hostname to your blocklist. As seen on the same site, this will result in giving a solution to multiple A records, each of which is an IP address to be blocked.

If you want to find out more about this and help them in their experiment, click on this link. Keep in mind that you might help in taking down the toughest virus we've seen lately. This botnet has taken down several sites that fight spam and is posing a huge threat to users everywhere, with its enormous computing power.

This is ThreatStop's website that you can visit to get more information on them. Some time ago, I said that I was wondering how security companies are going to tackle this problem, and here was my answer. I hope that they get somewhere with this, and if destroying the source is not possible, at least maybe they can block the virus so that no one else will get infected. I hope more effort will be made to solve this problem.