Multilingual, customizable modules covering horoscopes, lottery, weather and more

Feb 18, 2008 18:46 GMT  ·  By

Being an iPhone owner just about now makes you one lucky fellow. Not only is Apple prepping to release a SDK for programmers to juggle with and deliver nifty apps to your phone, but more and more tech-based companies are presenting Apple with web-based apps to make even more use of the device's features. This time around it's Tinbu, a Pensacola (Forida)-based technology company that has announced the undergoing development of six new interactive iPhone apps.

According to a TransWorldNews piece, the new applications will feature Tinbu's patent-pending technology, revolving around global lottery results, global weather, horoscopes, swimsuit model of the day, fitness videos, and U.S. gas pricing. The covering of these useful points of interest is happening May 1st, while each module will be available in English and Spanish, "with lottery, weather, fitness videos and swimsuit model also being made available in German," according to the source.

Multilingual modules are possible through Tinbu's use of patent-pending technology, while lottery data, horoscopes, global weather, U.S. gas pricing, Auto MPG Analysis, Girl of the Day, and Fitness Videos already exist as interactive modules from the Pensacola developers.

"We are pleased to be expanding the scope of Tinbu's interactive data modules by making them available to Apple iPhone users. We are excited about the possibilities of expanding Tinbu's reach through the Apple iPhone world-wide audience," said John Brier, Tinbu's CEO.

Not only will the iPhone be blessed with six new apps, but each and every one of them will feature customizable interactive design characteristics, built using the same patent-pending technology. Thus, iPhone users will gain instant access "breed content" which they can customize to their linking.

Adding apps to the iPhone will be as simple as going through a simple download process, which ultimately sends the desired app to its rightful place among other programs in the iPhone's application menu.

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Here are a few Tinbu Toolbar samples
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