Do not get bored!

Dec 3, 2007 19:06 GMT  ·  By

1. Scientific research showed that the health of those whose work does not solicit them too much is prone to many risks compared to the health of other categories. Employees having boring jobs, requiring repeating the same movements or a lack of independence get sick twice more often than the others. No other stress factor connected to work affects more the frequency and duration of absenteeism than boredom at the workplace. People with boring jobs have increased arterial pressure, stomach and gut aches and experience affections of the back and joints.

2.About 3,000 people die daily because of work accidents. Annually 250 million people get wounded at the work place, and 1 million of them die because of this. To make a comparison, annually 990,000 people die in car accidents, 502,000 in war operations, 563,000 in street violent acts, and 312,000 because of AIDS.

3.Farming work seems to be extremely healthy for both body and mind. Mentally ill persons did not require further institutionalization after working on farms, as part of special programs.

4.On the entire planet, there are 150 million unemployed people, 850 million are affected by partial unemployment, while 250 million children are forced to work. Half of the planet's population lives with less than $2 daily.

5.A 2006 research showed that the greatest annoyance at the workplace is the loud talker. This was followed by cell phone conversations carried on at the office in the close range of the colleagues. Other "workplace disturbances" are people leaving a mess in the kitchen, bringing foul-smelling food for lunch, and loud computer speakers.

The research carried by Harris Interactive and Randstad found that 32% of the employees pointed out the office loud talker as their biggest pet peeve. 30% indicated the annoying cellphone ringtone and 22% complained mainly about speakerphones. The loud talker not only tenses the atmosphere but also decreases productivity in a company, as many activities - such as text editing - require silence.

6.A 2006 American national research revealed which were the most satisfying jobs. 47% of the subjects were satisfied with their jobs and 33% reported being very happy. Here are 10 of the most gratifying jobs and how many of their practitioners find them satisfactory:

Clergy-87% Firefighters-80% Physical therapists-78% Authors-74% Special education teachers-70% Teachers-69% Education administrators-68% Painters and sculptors-67% Psychologists-67% Security and financial services salespersons-65% Operating engineers-64% Office supervisors-61%

About 50 % of those practicing them were satisfied with these jobs: police and detectives, registered nurses, accountants, editors and reporters. Some prestige jobs proved not so satisfactory, including doctors and lawyers, due perhaps to their high level of responsibility and stress linked to them. The least satisfying dozen jobs are mostly low-skill, manual and service occupations, especially involving customer service and food/beverage preparation and serving.

They were:

Laborers, except constructions-21% Apparel clothing salespersons-24% Handpackers and packagers-24% Food preparers-24% Roofers-25% Cashiers-25% Furniture and home-furnishing salespersons-25% Bartenders-26% Freight, stock and material handlers-26% Waiters and servers-27%