Feb 14, 2011 10:19 GMT  ·  By

Ironclad Games, as the developer, and Stardock Entertainment, as the publisher, have announced that the Trinity version for Sins of a Solar Empire, the space-based real-time strategy title, is being prepared for the release of patch 1.2, which is currently available for beta testing for all those who own the game.

The Trinity release combines the base Sins of a Solar Empire game with the two mini expansions Entrenchment and Diplomacy, which added depth to the experience and gave players more toys to play around with.

The big chance in the 1.2 beta patch for the game is linked to the piracy system, one of the unique features of Sins of a Solar Empire that allowed players to bet on the services of a highly powerful fleet of pirates, which can be directed towards enemies that seem to be getting ahead.

Pirates now scale more gradually, meaning that players will have an easier time dealing with them in the early game, and they now sent raids with the power depending heavily on the paid sum of money.

The patch also introduces a slew of balance changes for all the three factions in the game and more general changes made to the diplomacy mechanics.

There are also tweaks to the game engine which result in better performance and changes to the Artificial Intelligence which make it a better adversary.

A full patch log can be seen on the official forums of Sins of a Solar Empire.

In order for a player to see the beta version of 1.2, they need to launch their Impulse client and then check the “Show Pre Release Version” check box, with the game then prompting for the download.

Ironcland and Stardock are saying that all those who want to offer feedback can do so on the forums and that players need to pay special attention to desynchronization.