No clear reasons are offered by Electronic Arts

Jan 27, 2009 09:04 GMT  ·  By

It seems that fans of simulated life will have to wait a little longer to get their hands on The Sims 3, which just might be the most anticipated title coming from Electronic Arts this year. The publisher is saying that the process of reevaluation has begun and a new release date will only be announced when the company is sure that the quality of the game is up to par.

Initially, The Sims 3 was set to be released on February 20 but this date is no longer to be found on the website of Electronic Arts, which currently lists the simulation title as TBA (which means To Be Announced). Also, retailers are now saying that the game will arrive in the first half of the year, with no clear date attached.

All Electronic Arts is willing to say related to the situation is “The game looks great and in the near future we'll have more information.” Considering the degree of expectation related to The Sims 3, EA needs to move quickly to make sure that it announces a new date and placate the worries related to the quality of the game, which are surely cropping up in the minds of the fans.

The Sims 3 is set to revolutionize the way life sims work. On the one hand, the player will have more options related to their character, most of them connected to their mental states. One the other hand, the surrounding space in which the sims live will be much better fleshed out, with a player being able to walk the streets of their city and interact with other sims.

Electronic Arts desperately needs a big hit, as some of the titles it launched in the fourth quarter of 2008, like Dead Space, Mirror's Edge and Spore, have not performed as well as expected at retail. As soon as Electronic Arts announces a clear release date for the launch of The Sims 3, we'll bring you the details.