The most ridiculous lawsuit ever

Sep 21, 2007 10:40 GMT  ·  By

I heard many people saying that anything is possible in the United States but until now, I never thought of that. Well, it seems like this phrase is somehow true as a Pennsylvania resident is suing Google for... crimes against humanity. Silly or not, the man demands $5 billion in damages because "its name turns up when his social security number is scrambled and turned upside down" as The Register reports. Although I'm not going to do any research for this because it sounds at least silly, "The Reg can confirm that Jayne's tax payer ID can be juggled to reveal the word Google."

Basically, the man sustains that a malicious Internet user can find his private information on the Internet so he's opened to attacks due to the super giant Google. "A person regardless of race or religion that wishes to cause acts of terrorism would look for social security numbers that are made readily available on the public use databases," it is mentioned in the complaint according to the same source.

This is not the first time when Google is sent to the judge but it is by far the most laughable complaint I ever heard. Moreover, Dylan Stephen Jayne demands $5 billion in damages from the Mountain View company which is regarded as one of the richest brands in the entire world.

Google is one of the most popular names for the judges because a lot of companies and persons are suing the search giant for different reasons. YouTube is surely the most criticized technology powered by Google since most of the complaints are sustaining the company published copyright infringing clip on its official page.

The most famous lawsuit was filed recently when the media giant Viacom accused Google of copyright infringement and required no less than $1 billion in damages.