Sacha Baron Cohen in character answers most frequently asked questions of our times

Jun 17, 2009 12:30 GMT  ·  By

British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen is Bruno, the Austrian fashionista of clear orientation and star of the mockumentary with the same name, and he is shameless. In order to promote the film, Bruno is featured in the latest issue of GQ magazine in a daring photo spread and an interview meant to offer the best fashion-related advice directly from the source.

Titled “A Man Among Women,” the GQ piece takes Bruno very seriously, just like he were a real man, and asks him questions that such a (real) man might come across, like how important it is to bleach bodily hair, how he would describe President Barack Obama, what styling tips he would offer male stars of today and what’s his favorite sleep attire. The Q&A also comes accompanied by a photo spread that sees Bruno either in leather items or not wearing anything at all, in what is being described as the most deliciously shameless and funny issue of the magazine ever.

When asked about how he might define the much-talked about “Obama style,” Bruno says the current US President is the perfect combination of gorgeousness and elegance. Too bad he’s also married, Bruno adds. “Firstly, ich vant to say zat I find Obama an inspiration – it gives me great hope zat, after years of struggle, someone can at last get to ze White House, despite being incredibly hot. On ze other hand, it’s slightly disappointing that he needed zat beard, Michelle, to help him – but vone shtep at a time.” a dead-serious Bruno explains.

In the same interview, the fashionista also explains why a pair of jeans has come to cost $700 (“Zat’s ze great thing abaus ze recession – stores are cutting zeir prices”), where a true man should keep his iPhone (“Vhat ein stupid question. Keep it in your assistant’s pocket, obwiously.”), and how necessary manscaping truly is (“It’s more zan okay; it is most essential. Be careful if you do it yourself, though.”). All in all, the GQ sit-down with the man who’s about to grace theater screens all over the world in just a few days is nothing short of hilarious.

“Times are hard, but if you shop around und are prepared to vear some things twice before throwing zem avay, it is still possible to look good on a clothing budget of about $20,000 a veek. Ich mean, obwiously you vill need a bit more zan zat if you are planning on leaving ze house.” Bruno further says when asked about styling tips for someone on a budget.

As fans must know, this is not the first interview of the kind that Bruno gives, being just recently featured on the cover and in the pages of fashion Bible Marie Claire. That interview was also equally hysterical, as we informed you when it ran.