Some of the seals were fitted with satellite-linked transmitters

Nov 28, 2013 02:46 GMT  ·  By

About a week ago, on November 20, folks at the Vancouver Aquarium Marine Mammal Rescue Center successfully returned seven rescued harbor seal pups to the wild.

The animals were released in the waters of Howe Sound, northwest of Vancouver, Canada, Zoo Borns says.

Despite the fact that they had spent the past months being looked after by staff at the Vancouver Aquarium, the seals swam away quickly without even looking back.

One of the seals that was rehabilitated and released back into the wild on November 20 is pictured above. The thing on its head is not a weird-looking hat, but a satellite-linked transmitter that will allow wildlife researchers to monitor its future travels.

Specialists say that the device will remain attached to the animal until next year's spring at the latest.

Of the seven seals returned to the wild, five were fitted with such transmitters.