Will move to another company in order to seek new opportunities

Jun 20, 2012 13:59 GMT  ·  By

Seth Killian, who has long served as the community manager and public face of the fighting game line-up at Capcom, has announced that he is stepping down from his current position and that he has plans to explore new opportunities.

His official position is of strategic marketing director of online and community and founder of the EVO fighting game tournament.

Seth Killian posted on the official Unity Capcom blog and stated, “I have chosen a new path which will let me embrace a new dream, but to everyone that ever believed in this dream we shared together, let me say this final thanks. I will leave as I began - a Capcom fan for life, looking forward to all the great games still to come.”

His first day away from Capcom will be June 22 and the executive failed to offer any information on which company he might join or what he might start working on.