Some things just don't make sense!

Sep 27, 2007 07:12 GMT  ·  By

Have you ever seen two news items appear one soon after the other and reporting opposing facts? Well, this is one of those cases - I've seen a lot of white papers, studies, charts and basically, all sorts of data pointing out that the UK has really bad cyber-security! I've written quite a few articles on the fact that they either don't pay enough attention to security or don't enforce it properly and now, I got hold of some new facts. According to data from the Infectedornot website, the UK is the country in Europe with one good cyber-security system!

To be frank, I don't know what to believe anymore - first we had facts showing that their security is low, and next thing you know some other numbers come to tell us they're actually really good at protecting themselves. Things are even more astonishing, as the previous articles were not based on suppositions or hunches, but on bare facts!

In any case, though the site mentioned earlier doesn't do complete scans in all of Europe's countries, it said that the UK is the country with the least active malware on PCs. The country with the most malware in the world is France (28%) followed closely by Mexico (23%). The United Kingdom is responsible for only 8.65% of all the active malware out there. So, I don't know how you see this, but I'm quite astonished that a country that has been known for the negative press it received concerning its cyber-security isn't at the top of the chart!

Here is the site from which the facts came, so that you may see with your own eyes how things stand, just in case you don't believe me! Do note that the site does not scan all countries, but in any case, the facts still seem contradictory to me. I hope that more studies will clear up this issue!