Check your website for faulty settings and functions

Sep 12, 2013 21:36 GMT  ·  By

This week, I’m recommending another security plugin for WordPress. It’s called Server Security Scan and it’s designed to help webmasters identify security risks and unsafe settings in their websites.

Server Security Scan checks WordPress installations for unsafe PHP settings and functions, write permissions of directories, errors and error levels, and the presence of security modules.

It’s worth noting that the tool doesn’t fix any of the found issues.

However, faulty functions, configurations and directory permissions are often leveraged by hackers when they breach websites, so it’s useful to know all these aspects.

Server Security Scan creates a report which shows the attack vectors that hackers can leverage in case they decide to target your website. It also details which of the identified issues are more critical.

I’ve recommended a lot of WordPress security plugins over the past weeks, but with the large number of sites being hacked every day, another one can’t hurt.

Download Server Security Scan