Google employees to talk about search engines

Dec 4, 2006 08:07 GMT  ·  By

Search Engine Strategies Chicago is a conference meant to introduce you to the world of search engines and show you important details about the process of indexing sites and other useful information. The event is organized by a well-known search engine specialist, Danny Sullivan, and will teach you how to obtain more traffic for your site by following some simple steps that will please the search engines and visitors.

Some of the most important Google employees are invited to this conference and will discuss about Google Search tips and how to drive traffic to your site using this service.

Vanessa Fox, Google employee said on the blog that "If you're planning to be at SES Chicago this week, be sure to stop by and say hi to the many Googlers who are coming out to brave the cold and snow. Many of us will be on hand at the booth, speaking at sessions, and wandering the halls." She also published the schedule for all Google employees that is available here.

Search Engine Land published a description of all the employees that will talk about a search engine topic at the conference, starting with Matt Cutts and Vanessa Fox, two of the most known Google engineers.

"If the search engine optimization world has a rock star, ironically the king isn't an actual SEO but rather mild mannered Matt Cutts of Google. His title of software engineer belies his role as spam czar from Google.

If Google's web search results are a castle constantly under siege, Matt Cutts is the one high on the walls, swinging his sword and calling to his fellow Googlers to repel the attackers with hot oil of site expulsions and link downgrades," they said about Matt Cutts.

"Vanessa, product manager of Google Webmaster Central, knows tons that will help site owners and SEOs. So do many other Googlers who make it out to conferences. That's the reason for this post, to introduce people to Googlers they should seek out in addition to or as an alterative to Matt," was the description for Vanessa Fox.