Installation and customization of sh404SEF

Nov 22, 2007 17:05 GMT  ·  By

Joomla content management system provides multiple opportunities for implementation of various search engines optimization techniques.

For example, in Joomla 1.5RC3 you have the possibility to activate Search Engine Friendly URLs that will remake the structure of URLs in order to gain more importance for search engines spiders.

There are also many modules and components available for download that will allow you to improve the structure of URLs and overall Joomla performance.

sh404SEF is a Joomla extension that allows you to control various aspects of URLs' structure when you employ it to rewrite them. This Joomla extension is very easy to install and use. It works with or without a .htaccess file (Apache mod_rewrite on). By default, it comes with many other modules and plugins in order to be able to integrate in any Joomla CMS. For example, shCustomTags is a module that will be installed alongside sh404SEF and will automatically write meta tags like Title, Description, Keywords and more, but you must enable it first to be operational.

sh404SEF works without problems for Joomla version 1.0.12 and 1.0.13. On Joomla 1.5RC3, first you must enable the plugin System-Legacy to be able to install sh404SEF. Then, you install it as any other component or module by using Extension Manager - Install. Then you must go to the Global Configuration and enable Search Engine Friendly URLs. You do not have to enable the option "Use Apache mod_rewrite" if you do not want to configure a custom .htaccess file.

sh404SEF will work in the same way, but the URL structure will be for example: as compared to the default Joomla installation, when the URLs are very hard to read:

sh404SEF can be customized using the advanced option from its own control panel. You can control many aspects concerning the generated URLs structure, such as replacement character, page spacer, file suffix and more. Practically any SEO action can be implemented also manually, like editing certain URLs name.

This Joomla extension has many other advantages, such as its own caching mechanism that will reduce the database queries number, automatic 301 redirection of old links to the new ones, enhanced security features and more. sh404SEF can help you increase your search engine rankings and to optimize your Joomla based web site, but you must understand first the mechanisms employed for URLs rewrite in order to use them at maximum power.