Offering an easy way for customers to access their accounts

Nov 28, 2009 10:13 GMT  ·  By

North America's premier financial institution Scotiabank has recently announced  that it plans on offering mobile banking services to its users as soon as the spring of 2010 arrives. According to the company, the move will be made through the partnership it has recently signed with M-Com, an international mobile banking and payments solution provider.

“With more than 22 million cell phone subscribers in Canada, wireless phones are among the fastest growing consumer products in history,” said Mike Henry, senior vice-president, Sales & Service, Scotiabank. “Canadians rely on the convenience of mobile devices to help them manage their busy lifestyles, and having the ability to do their banking from their mobile devices will simplify their lives that much more.”

According to Henry, the launch of a mobile banking service from Scotiabank is also a way for the company to show its commitment towards delivering some of the most innovative, convenient and secure banking solutions for its customers. Scotiabank Group and its affiliates have operations in around 50 countries around the world, and account for a number of approximately 12.8 million customers.

“We are delighted to be partnering with Scotiabank to bring our mobile banking, expertise to Canada,” said Adam Clark, CEO, M-Com. “We will be leveraging our experience delivering mobile banking solutions internationally to extend our 100 per cent implementation success rate. By spring 2010, any Scotiabank customer with a mobile device can have secure access to their bank accounts - anywhere, any time.”

The mobile banking service that Scotiabank is set to deliver next year will offer its customers the possibility to easily access their Scotiabank accounts directly from their mobile phones, no matter the wireless carrier they receive services from. According to the company, they will be able to view balances and transaction history, as well as to make transfers or pay their bills.