The team is not yet ready to offer an official launch date

Feb 25, 2014 00:16 GMT  ·  By

Tim Schafer, the leader of the development team at Double Fine, says that the entire development process for Act 2 of the recently launched Broken Age is fully funded at the moment, and that fans should not worry about the project.

He tells that, “We’ve made enough that we can make the second half of the game for sure. And we’re not done making it to all the platforms because we haven’t released it on iPad yet. I feel that’s going to be a really interesting platform for adventure games. It’s such a fun place to play point-and-click graphic adventures, and so many people have them. That’s exciting to me.”

Double Fine announced during January of this year that Broken Age would not be offered using the Early Access service from Steam, as initially announced.

Instead, the team has launched the first act of the game via the normal store and is offering the second one using a Season Pass.

Schafer adds, “People who hadn't been following us all along thought we were out of money and going under. No, no, no. We were just expanding the game and paying for it ourselves, not asking for more money. Seeing that difference between backers' and non-backers' perspective on the whole thing was illuminating.”

Act 2 does not have an official launch date at the moment, but Double Fine has promised that players would be able to complete the story of both characters before the end of the year.

Broken Age is designed to use classic adventure game mechanics and has been created using money gathered via Kickstarter, becoming one of the most successful projects ever on the crowd sourcing site.

Recently Double Fine also announced that four projects from its Amnesia Fortnight game jam were moving to the prototype stage and might soon be offered to gamers via Steam.