Where do they get all these ideas?

Oct 9, 2007 12:46 GMT  ·  By

So there you have it! These guys have come up with the craziest ideas ever! Apparently other scams were not efficient so what do you think Nigerian spam-scammers thought of? As Sophos informs, they're sending their spammy messages to everyone they can, stating that they are a couple on a Christian Mission in Africa. They have a puppy, a very cute yorkie (Yorkshire Terrier). The poor little doggy can no longer stand the heat and they can't properly take care of him?aww, that just makes my heart melt? not! This is all but a hoax designed to make people reveal sensitive information about themselves!

And as seen on the same site, the scam is Nigerian, so why doesn't that surprise me? Criminals in that country have been behind many web scams, out of which the most famous has to be the one related to the "associate of the massacred Nepalese royal family" that will want to transfer money into your account!

"Most of us are probably all too familiar with the scam emails which claim you have inherited millions of dollars, or won the lottery, but this time the scammers are deliberately pulling on the heartstrings of animal lovers," said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant for Sophos. "The criminals are offering the pet puppy in an attempt to gather information from kind-hearted people who jump in to help. If you respond the scammers will try and steal confidential information about you, or sting you for cash. If you fall for a trick like this you'll be the one ending up in the doghouse."

This type of spam does not surprise me, to be honest. Spammers have proved not only that they pay attention to the latest news and know how to profit from them, but that they also know how to target human weaknesses. If earlier we had news about spammers exploiting sex appeal, now they're abusing humans' love for fluffy animals. What will they think of next? Starving children? Beaten wives fund? I don't know, but I simply despise them!