To a kid from San Francisco

Jan 2, 2008 21:31 GMT  ·  By

Over the past few years, there have been several cases of people discovering large amounts of pornographic material stored on their newly-acquired devices (media players, laptops, etc.), the worst case scenarios being the moments when the respective content has been stumbled-upon by kids. And this is exactly what happened only a few days ago, when an unsuspecting kid opened his Christmas gift and switched it on.

Thus, according to story by the Associated Press, picked up by the San Francisco Gate, it seems that one Daryl Hill from Sparta, Tennessee, has decided to make his children a nice Christmas gift, in the form of some MP3 players. So, he went to the local Wal Mart and purchased three music players with video capabilities (nothing is mentioned on the device's brand or model), which he then placed under the Christmas tree.

However, one of the devices had apparently been returned to the store from a previous owner who loaded sex clips and songs with lyrics about using drugs."Within 10 minutes, my daughter was crying," Hill declared for AP. "I wish I could take the thoughts and images out of her head."

The Wal Mart representatives have made no official statement regarding the issue, mentioning only the fact that stores are not supposed to return opened packages to the sales floor and that the matter is pending further investigation, with the culprits about to be severely punished.

As the people over at AP inform us, Hill said he declined Wal-Mart's offer to replace the MP3 player. He said he has already bought his daughter a new one and is hanging onto the controversial one until he talks to a lawyer. Well, I smell a lawsuit and some big, fat settlement check, don't you?

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