The bounce back patent strikes again, with as little mercy as ever

Jun 21, 2013 07:15 GMT  ·  By

The Samsung-Apple patent war continues, even if the amount of media hubbub caused by it isn't so massive anymore.

The latest fight happened in Tokyo, where, much to Samsung's chagrin, it lost again.

Back in 2012, Samsung got handed a huge bill, consisting of legal damages and fines, after Apple totally won in the suit under the California District Court. They are expected to clash again over that verdict in November.

Now, Samsung has lost against Apple again, in Japan instead of the US. The bounce-back patent (which pulls the Android/iOS menu back in place when it's dragged too low or too high) managed to win against Samsung's law team.

Damages haven't been calculated, but it stands to reason that Samsung will have to pay another few hundred million dollars, or maybe a whole billion.