“Women Hate Me Because I'm Beautiful” author backtracks on previous comments

Apr 6, 2012 14:39 GMT  ·  By

Without a doubt, the biggest viral star this week is Samantha Brick, a Daily Mail editor who, just a few days ago, wrote a piece that aimed to argument all women hated her because she was so incredibly beautiful. Below is her most recent interview.

Speaking with Ann Curry for the latest The Today show, Ms. Brick has changed her story – and not even slightly, but considerably so.

Check out the clip.

Whereas just yesterday, Ms. Brick told This Morning that she believed she was an attractive woman and that she stood by every word she put on paper, today, she insists “parts” of her controversial piece were actually “tongue in cheek.”

She claims she doesn't think herself beautiful, but she wrote that because it's the impression she got of others' perception on her.

At the same time, while she claimed in the previous interview that she held her opinion of women (who hate attractive women) to be general, she now says she was only speaking of herself, based on her own minimal experience.

Also strange is that Ms. Brick now insists she has quite a large group of girlfriends and she's a “girlie girl.”

At one point in the interview, she even tries to make it sound as if her words had been taken out of context either by the Mail, which printed her controversial piece, or by the general public.

To argue that, she says she initially wanted her piece to be called “Why does the sisterhood hate attractive women?” but that the British tab changed the title last minute.

On the other hand, Ann Curry asks the questions millions have been asking online ever since Banks rose to questionable “stardom”: does she not realize she comes across as narcissistic and arrogant?, does she regret anything she's done? and, perhaps the funniest of all, “are you serious?.”