Jun 16, 2011 12:24 GMT  ·  By

The Fluxbox version of the recently launched Salix OS 13.37 has been released. Along with the updates from the Xfce version, Salix OS Fluxbox 13.37 comes with the Fluxbox 1.3.1 windows manager and several other changes.

"Salix Fluxbox 13.37 is here, available in both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures! Everyone who has used the 13.1 Fluxbox edition, will find this release very familiar," George Vlahavas announced.

Everything from Salix OS Xfce 13.37, which was released about a month ago, shortly after Slackware 13.37 on which it's based, is largely left intact.

The only big change is the window manager and several packages which replace some Xfce defaults. Another update from the regular Xfce version is a new package management tool.

"Package management is done using the gslapt package manager or the command line equivalent slapt-get. Sourcery, the new graphical tool for managing and installing packages from SlackBuilds that has been developed from scratch for Salix and was introduced in the 13.37 Xfce is also present here," the announcement read.

LibreOffice is now the default office suite, for the full installation, replacing OpenOffice.org, which has recently been accepted by the Apache foundation as an Incubator project. The open-source 3D video card driver Noveau is now used by default.

Highlights of Salix OS Fluxbox 13.37:

· Linux kernel; · Fluxbox 1.3.1; · Firefox 4.0.1 - web browser; · Claws-mail 3.7.8 - email client; · LibreOffice 3.3.2 - office suite; · Exaile 0.3.2 - music player; · Whaaw Media Player 0.2.14 - movie player; · Brasero 2.32.1 - CD/DVD burner; · GIMP 2.6.11 - graphics editor.

"IBus has replaced SCIM as the default input platform for Chinese, Japanese etc. IBus is more modern than SCIM and should work better with all applications, including Mozilla Firefox," the announcement added.

Salix OS Fluxbox 13.37 is available for download here.

Salix OS Xfce 13.37 is available for download here. Salix OS 13.1.1 / 13.37 Beta 3 is available for download here.