The team is teasing players with the impressive arsenal they can use

Jul 26, 2013 14:19 GMT  ·  By

The development team at Volition is delivering yet another short gameplay video for its upcoming Saints Row 4, designed to show off a new gun that can bounce from one enemy to another, while also giving fans another taste of the unique humor of the title.

The weapon is a little disappointing considering that the open world experience already includes a black hole weapon and a gun that fires dubstep at enemies.

Volition has already announced a Season Pass for the downloadable content that will be launched for Saints Row 4, with the first package called Enter the Dominatrix and due in 45 days after release.

Launch will take place on August 20 in the United States and three days later in Europe on the PC, the Xbox 360 from Microsoft and the PlayStation 3 from Sony.