SUSE Linux 9.2 security support is now discontinued.

Nov 24, 2006 07:29 GMT  ·  By

On 21st November, along with the replease of "pam_ldap", Novell has stop supporting their SUSE Linux 9.2 distribution. Moreover, around the end of April 2007, Novell will drop support for SUSE Linux 9.3. Please have a look at the discontinuation schedule for other SUSE Linux products here.

Novell made SUSE Linux 9.2 available to general public in the beginning of October 2004. It was the first release featuring Delta RPMs, making downloads of patches even smaller than with the Patch RPMs that was used before. The difference in "Recommended" patches is mostly due to the previous SUSE Linux 9.1 being the base of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 and also the first release with Linux 2.6 kernel and so getting more bugfixes.

Patches (active patches) (difference to SL 9.1): Total: 581 (278 active) (-58) Security: 487 (204 active) (-5) Recommended: 74 (57 active) (-45) Optional: 20 (17 active) (-8)

Split by type of patch (compared with 9.1 for the ones with large numbers): 17 kernel (-3) 16 clamav (+3) 14 apache2-mod_php4 (-3) 13 MozillaFirefox (+2) 11 opera ( 0) 10 ethereal ( 0) 9 phpMyAdmin ( 0) 8 squid (-2) 7 apache2 (-2) 7 squirrelmail (+1) 6 kdelibs3 (-5) 6 mailman ( 0) 6 MozillaThunderbird 6 wget 6 xorg-x11-server 6 xpdf 5 acroread 5 gaim 5 gpg 5 gpg2 5 horde 5 ImageMagick 5 java-1_4_2-sun 5 kdegraphics3-pdf 5 libtiff 5 mozilla 5 mysql 5 postgresql 5 RealPlayer 5 ruby 4 dia 4 evolution 4 freeradius 4 gd 4 gpdf 4 heimdal 4 mpg123 4 openssh 4 openssl 4 pdftohtml 4 samba 4 xine-lib (rest has 3 occurences or less)

du of update tree: 1748156 ./deltas 1796 ./misc/resizer 1800 ./misc 2156 ./patches 3652 ./patches.obsolete 23068 ./repodata 3696756 ./rpm/i586 87780 ./rpm/noarch 1259832 ./rpm/src 2486308 ./rpm/x86_64 7530680 ./rpm 24 ./scripts 9309540