Download the latest SQLite package from Softpedia

Dec 13, 2012 19:06 GMT  ·  By

SQLite, an in-process library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine, is now at version 3.7.15.

SQLite 3.7.15 has garnered a few changes and bug fixes. A complete list of updates is available in the official announcement.

Highlights of SQLite 3.7.15:

• The sqlite3_errstr() interface has been added; • Invoking the sqlite3_trace() callback multiple times, when a statement is automatically reprepared due to SQLITE_SCHEMA errors, is now avoided; • Enhance IN operator processing, to make use of indices with numeric affinities, has been implemented; • Enhance the query optimizer so that ORDER BY clauses are more aggressively optimized, especially in joins where various terms of the ORDER BY clause come from separate tables of the join; • The ability to implement FROM clause subqueries as coroutines, rather that manifesting the subquery into a temporary table, has been added.

Download SQLite 3.7.15 right now from Softpedia.