Download the latest SQLite package from Softpedia

Jan 10, 2013 15:35 GMT  ·  By

SQLite, an in-process library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine, is now at version

SQLite has garnered a bunch of changes and bug fixes. A complete list of updates is available in the official announcement.

Highlights of SQLite

• A bug that was introduced in version 3.7.15 has been fixed and consists of a 4-character edit to a single line of code; • A fix involving changing two lines of code and adding a single assert() has been implemented. This release also includes some new test cases to prevent a regression of the bug; • A problem that can lead to segfaults when using shared cache mode on a schema that contains a COLLATE operator within a CHECK constraint or within a view, has been fixed.

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