Jul 11, 2011 08:02 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft is gearing up to release another testing preview of the next generation of its data platform.

A specific availability deadline for the third Community Technology Preview of SQL Server Codenamed “Denali” was not made public, but the promise from one member of the SQL Server Analysis Services team is that the downloads will go live soon.

Codenamed “Denali” is the successor of SQL Server 2008 R2, and will most likely be branded SQL Server 2012 when it will be commercially released.

With the advent of SQL Server 2012 Codenamed “Denali” CTP3, early adopters will get the chance to test drive the evolution of Analysis Services, Microsoft’s Cathy Dumas revealed.

“SQL Server Denali CTP3 is forthcoming, and with that is the first public CTP with major new Analysis Services functionality,” Dumas said.

“My contribution was on the tooling for the tabular model. (…) I will be giving some insights into how the tabular modeling tools were constructed, and some tips and tricks for using the tools effectively. Bits are coming soon. Stay tuned...”

I’ll make sure to provide an update when SQL Server 2012 Codenamed “Denali” CTP3 bits go live, so keep your eyes on this space.

If you’d rather get a notification from Microsoft, make your way to the official SQL Server 2012 Codenamed “Denali” website and register to get updates from the software giant.

Earlier this year, T.K. Anand, Principal Group Program Manager SQL Server Analysis Services provided some additional details about the Business Intelligence enhancements coming to the data platform.

“Analysis Services is an industry leading BI platform and the most popular OLAP engine in the market. It has a large ecosystem of developers, partners, BI tools, and solutions, and it has broad adoption from small businesses to large enterprises,” Anand said.

“It is the foundation of the Microsoft BI stack, serving as the semantic model for Microsoft BI tools including Excel, SharePoint Insights and Reporting Services. Our vision is to build on the strengths and success of Analysis Services, expand its reach to a much broader community, and enable the next generation of BI applications.”