The game has already been ported to the Nintendo device

Mar 25, 2013 22:36 GMT  ·  By

Aliens: Colonial Marines might have been criticized when it launched on the PC and current-generation consoles, but some players are still waiting for the game to be launched on the Wii U from Nintendo.

Randy Pitchford, the leader of developer Gearbox, says that the decision is not his to make and that fans should direct their inquiries to publisher SEGA.

Gamespot quotes the company leader as saying, “I think it’s really cool, but SEGA’s got to figure that out. We’re doing the best we can.”

The PC version of Aliens: Colonial Marines has recently received a huge patch that’s supposed to create a better overall game experience by improving graphics and by tweaking some features.

SEGA has declined to offer any comment on its plans for the Wii U version of the shooter.