The company might have another long-term project in the works

Sep 20, 2012 00:31 GMT  ·  By

At the moment, the development team behind Torchlight 2 is not interested in porting their new game to consoles, despite the fact that the versions of the first one that arrived on Xbox Live Arcade made money.

Max Schaefer, who is the chief executive officer at Runic Games, has told IGN that, “We’re not currently planning a console release. We haven’t ruled it out but to do a port like we did last time, would probably not be on the cards, because of the limitations of Xbox Live Arcade, and the fact that we would have to downsample all our artwork this time.”

He added, “With Torchlight we were able to do a direct port of pretty much all of the art assets, other than the interface that had to be redesigned. It would be a lot more work this time. It’s questionable whether a business case can be made for that.”

Schaefer has stated that Runic Games is a medium-sized studio that can only work on one significant project at a time and that they need to explore what they can create next and then decide whether they have the spare personnel and time to port Torchlight 2.

It seems that the team will only make its decision after the launch of the new game and after they make sure that PC gamers have a solid and pleasant experience with the action role-playing game.

When Runic Games was first founded, the team announced that their long-term plans were to create an MMO project based on the Torchlight universe, with the single-player game only a way to get the funds required for the effort.

Since then, the single-player games seem to have become the main effort for Runic Games, with no new mentions of the MMO.

Torchlight 2 is set to arrive exclusively on the PC on September 20.