The 13th anniversary vid states Jagex's plans for this year are to "go back to the roots"

Jan 6, 2014 09:58 GMT  ·  By

Runescape's 13th anniversary sees the game “going back to its roots,” according to developer Jagex Games Studio, and marks the game as one of the oldest massively multiplayer online experiences available.

Runescape is a free-to-play online role-playing game initially released by Jagex in 2001, and since then registering over 200 million created accounts and being featured in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's largest free MMORPG.

The game is also one of the most updated games out there, the developers constantly delivering new patches, with its latest major iteration being Runescape 3, launched in July 2013.

The makers want to make Runescape a collaborative effort between them and the community, letting players decide what their development priorities should be through the release of an in-game polling system.

The new system will bring at least one new content poll each week, letting players decide on the most anticipated features to be implemented during 2014.