Gamers will be able to keep using their old avatars

Mar 24, 2013 23:41 GMT  ·  By

The development team at Jagex announces that it is working on Runescape 3, a follow up to its classic MMO role playing game experience, which is designed to significantly expand on the mechanics of the genre.

It seems that already play Runescape will be allowed to keep their account as the third incarnation of the MMO will build on the already existing MMO rather than introduce an entirely different world and set of mechanics.

The avatars will remain the same and Jagex wants to use the HTML 5 engine and other tools to make the game better looking while also improving speed and the feeling of immersion.

Those who want will be able to keep running the older Java engine and the development team promises more details about Runescape 3 during the next few weks.