With several new services made available for developers

Mar 2, 2007 09:57 GMT  ·  By

RumbleX is a free community service for mobile gamers, that was developed by OrangePixel since 2005. The system, which is constantly growing, is currently sporting 55.000 players and contains over 283.000 high scores.

The service is offered for free, and players can register for a free account to get advanced tracking of their gaming achievements. Unregistered players will also be able to enjoy the service but without accurate tracking.

Through the partnership with clickgamer.com, RumbleX aims to provide an easy way for players to buy more compatible games. Free ad-subsidized versions of the games are also available.

Developers will be able to include the high score service in their games and for a pretty affordable one-time fee will also get extra services.

Recently, RumbleX has gone into its second stage, with a brand new look and more functionality enabling the gamers to get connected to other gamers more efficiently. Developers will also get new services like 'RumbleX Achievements' and 'RumbleX Messaging'.

Future services will include 'RumbleX Linked' for linking mobile data to any other platform with Internet possibilities, enabling users to save their character skills and continue playing on their PC or console, 'RumbleX Content' that makes new content available and ready for download, also allowing gamers to share their own content and 'RumbleX Micro payment' to handle everything that is payment related.

Therefore, players will get to keep track of their played games, show their high scores on their personal page, search for people playing the same game and contact them, check the hottest games of the day, maintain a buddy list and discuss games in the community forums, all for free.