Tsarnaev's photo was also used by other publications

Jul 17, 2013 09:46 GMT  ·  By

Rolling Stone magazine is in hot water over using a selfie of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on the cover.

Social media users are saying the cover portrays Tsarnaev as a “rock star” and glorifying his actions.

As conveyed by the Boston Magazine, some have noticed similarities between the cover featuring the suspected terrorist and that of The Doors front man Jim Morrison.

The caption describes him as a popular kid whose family is the only reason why he has participated in the killing and maiming of Bostoners.

“That Dzhokhar selfie on the Rolling Stone cover was everywhere at the time. It was on the front page of the Times!,” one Twitter user fights back.

Write what you think about the controversial cover in the comments section.