Save the universe again in this action-RPG game

Mar 4, 2008 08:24 GMT  ·  By

It's no secret that gamers have saved the world or even the entire galaxy more often than Bruce Willis and Sylvester Stallone together ? and we'll keep doing this for sure without ever getting bored, probably. We'll do the same thing in Capcom's RPG-styled shooter, Rocketmen: Axis of Evil, a game that seems to be fun enough to offer some quality time. But we'll get to test that tomorrow, when the game launches on Xbox Live Arcade for 800 MS Points.

You will join rocketmen Nick Sion, Alec Mink and the Alliance of Free Planets in their desperate struggle to free the solar system from the tyrannical grip of the Legion of Terra, some Mass Effect-like blue aliens. Without lesbian sex scenes, which means that Fox News will completely ignore the game.

Anyway, Capcom's game not only allows you to save the galaxy alone, as you were used by other games, but you will have the chance to do it in cooperation with up to three other players over Xbox Live or locally, on the same console. This means that, basically, Rocketmen: Axis of Evil tries to provide some non stop action with role playing elements ? customizable characters and an engaging story (not detailed, unfortunately) are also included.

You will have three races to choose from: Human, Mercurian, or Venusian, and three distinct classes: Warrior, Engineer, or Outcast. The game also knows what High Definition means, so it will be even funnier to blast enemies away and spend the time with your little army.

Rocketmen: Axis of Evil is rated 12+ and it will be available worldwide with the exception of Japan and Korea, but these countries already have a ton of exclusive great games so it's unlikely to see them cry. Also, a PS3 version will be released but, at the moment, we have no info regarding it.