For guys

May 23, 2007 09:52 GMT  ·  By

Let's face it, there are people - both males and females - who are not too good at communicating with others or more roughly put, they are not too good at "getting some". But this doesn't mean that they don't have sexual needs and urges just like everybody else. And where there's a need there's a way.

This is for all you lonely guys out there. The Robotech Thruster replaces the old-fashioned "manual method" with a more high-tech masturbation technique. In fact, it's so high-tech that when you use it at full power you have to clamp it to the table. I don't even want to think about what happens if you don't.

Don't worry though, because as says, when used at a lower power setting, you can even handhold the thingie. I would ask why not use the hand directly, but I don't want to upset people who enjoy these automated contraptions.

As you can see in the images, The Robotech Thruster has some sort of lever that helps you set the desired speed according to your .... style. Apparently, you can go from 2 to 5 strokes per second (At 5 strokes per second, you'd better have a strong ... pain threshold). also praises the Robotech Thruster for not using replaceable onacups, which is where you place your ding-dong. Don't be nasty though! Wash it afterwards!

Anyway, you can purchase it for approximately $109, which doesn't include the $25 for shipping.

However, if you want even more high-tech, you can go for the MagMag-HOLE and the Virtual-STICK, which allow for virtual sex to take place. As my colleague reported in December, the MagMag-HOLE features 9 separate motors, which allow it to duplicate various modes of sexual activity. The second part is the Virtual-STICK, which is more or less an ordinary vibrator. Both devices connect to a computer's USB port, and this is where the "magic" starts.

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