The planet's bee population is steadily declining, a solution need be found

Mar 12, 2013 21:21 GMT  ·  By

As reported on several occasions, our planet's bee population is steadily declining, either because of natural causes, or because human society's heavily industrialized ways are toying with these insects’ natural habitats and well-being.

Since bees are highly efficient pollinators, it need not come as a surprise that having fewer of them flying around is bound to impact on both natural ecosystems and agricultural practices.

Researchers working with Harvard and the Northeastern University plan to solve this problem by designing and manufacturing a swarm of so-called robobees, Inhabitat reports.

These robobees are meant to replace real ones once the latter start experiencing serious issues as far as their ability to pollinate crops and others plants is concerned.

“We wondered if mechanical bees could replicate not just an individual’s behavior but the unique behavior that emerges out of interactions among thousands of bees.”

“We have now created the first RoboBees—flying bee-size robots—and are working on methods to make thousands of them cooperate like a real hive,” these scientists explained.