Perhaps it’s time to take a chill pill, Internet!, actor says

Jun 14, 2014 12:51 GMT  ·  By
Robert Pattinson is not taking over from Harrison Ford as Han Solo, but he wouldn’t exactly say no to Indiana Jones
   Robert Pattinson is not taking over from Harrison Ford as Han Solo, but he wouldn’t exactly say no to Indiana Jones

These past couple of months, some very peculiar rumors emerged that no one seemed able to trace to any good source. Of course, this happens all the time in showbiz, but these two got fans very riled up because they said that Robert Pattinson was up either for an Indiana Jones reboot, or for a Han Solo standalone movie.

As you may have heard (which is to say, of course you know this already), these two are actually huge franchises, with huge fanbases and fans whose loyalty exceeds certain limits. When word got out that Pattinson (aka the sparkly vampire from “Twilight”) could be the next Indiana Jones or a part of the new “Star Wars” universe, they basically flipped.

The most hilarious part, according to Pattinson himself, is that they had absolutely no reason for it. He’s taking the time to deny the rumors in a new interview with the Daily Beast, in which he’s promoting “The Rover,” his new film with Guy Pearce.

“No,” he says when asked if he’s the next Indiana Jones. Then, laughing, he adds, “But I mean, I don’t know. That would be so funny if I suddenly got offered it. I’d be like, ‘Oh [expletive]!’”

If you’re feeling like putting your tinfoil hat on to dissect this, you could say that this is only a half-denial because, by adding “I don’t know,” Pattinson is actually hinting that some discussions on the topic have taken place between himself and the producers. These half-denials are common with actors who are yet to finalize their contracts for a certain part, and they’re mostly used as a way to put pressure on producers to give in to their demands, whichever they are.

So basically, we’re not ruling out the possibility of Pattinson doing the Indiana Jones reboot just yet. However, we can say goodbye to the rumor that he’s Han Solo in a new “Star Wars” standalone movie. Pattinson finds the idea hilarious.

“Oh no,” he says. “I think all of these things are made up so I get tons of bad press… literally this random story comes out and I get 50 other stories saying, like, ‘THAT GUY? NOOOO! What an [expletive]hole!’”

Having had the “Twilight” experience, Pattinson knows that the worst thing you can do in this industry is to get fans riled up. He knows better than to get involved in another one so soon, when he’s still trying to prove his worth by doing loads of indie movies, especially one as old and with fans as passionate as “Star Wars.”

So, are you relieved he’s not playing Han Solo? How about Indiana Jones: would you give him a chance if he actually landed the part in the reboot? Let us know in the comments section below.