Dec 21, 2010 14:14 GMT  ·  By

Robert Pattinson is bothered again: with the holiday season literally around the corner, Jimmy Fallon returns with a sketch from his favorite series, where Robert Pattinson is bothered by Christmas.

The comedian started the “Robert Pattinson Is Bothered” series a while back and, since then, the actor from “The Twilight Saga” has been bothered by many a thing, including the iPad, the World Cup and Valentine’s Day.

Of course, he hates Christmas just as much, which is why he got up his favorite tree again to vent: and boy, does he do just that.

As the video below will confirm, Robert Pattinson (Jimmy Fallon with a wig, plenty of makeup and a fake British accent) hates Christmas: he hates having to waked up at 5.30 in the morning to go shopping, only to spent another 2 hours trying to find a parking spot at the mall.

Only people who farm for their daily existence should wake up this early, Pattinson says. And only degenerated parents would ever allow their children to sit on Santa’s lap at the mall.

Robert hates the toys that are becoming increasingly popular over the festive period, as he also does the 12 Christmas carols that are played on a loop in most malls during this time of the year.

Rudolf should fix his nose (“plastic surgery is NOW!” he screams into the camera), “White Christmas” is racist and other annoying tracks are either awkward or, well, simply annoying.

Overall, Christmas is not a good time for the British heartthrob because it really, really bothers him.

As usual, Pattinson ends up upset with his blowup plastic doll / girlfriend, to whom he graciously offers the “Twilight” series on DVD, only to be told she’d rather get an Xbox. Girls these days, you can please them even if they’re made of plastic.

Below the video with Jimmy Fallon doing the Robert Pattinson is bothered by Christmas skit. Enjoy.