The teeth were found by police officers who used them to solve the case

Jan 24, 2014 23:56 GMT  ·  By

I'm not sure whether or not anyone has ever pieced together a manual or at least a set of instructions on how to conduct a robbery, but I am pretty confident that, if they did, they mentioned that leaving one's teeth behind was a definite no-no.

Metro tells us that, just recently, police officers managed to solve a case dating back to 2007 with the help of a set of false teeth that the culprit was ill-inspired enough to leave behind when committing a crime.

The case in question was that of a robbery at a convenience store. Apparently, the robbery was carried out by a woman, who used a knife to threaten staff and demand that they give her whatever cash they had.

While making a getaway, the woman dropped her false teeth, but was in too much of a hurry to stop, pick them up, and put them back where they belonged.

The police found them, collected and analyzed DNA from them and, when the woman was arrested for an unrelated crime and asked to give a DNA sample, they figured out that the person in their custody was also guilty of the 2007 robbery.

“We had a hit. Investigators were notified and obviously the investigation progressed pretty quickly from there,” explained Michalyshe Michalyshen, a spokesperson for the Winnipeg Police.

“It’s a bit of a unique one. I’m not aware of another scenario like this,” he went on to say.

It is to be expected that, now that that she has been caught and taken into custody, the woman will soon be made to pay for her deeds.