The organization is thrilled Ricky Martin has decided to quit eating meat and dairy

Mar 4, 2013 20:41 GMT  ·  By

Last week, Ricky Martin's Twitter followers got the chance to read a post in which this singer explained how thrilled he was about his decision to become a vegetarian.

The animal rights activists working with PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) saw fit to congratulate Ricky Martin for his bidding animal products farewell, and sent him a so-called vegetarian/vegan starter kit.

PETA explains that this starter kit is made up of copies of “Glass Walls,” a cookbook of vegan recipes and several other similar items.

As previously reported, Ricky Martin has been a vegetarian for more than eight weeks now, so odds are he is all too familiar with vegan dishes and the like.

Still, no harm can come out of PETA's giving him a few more tips on how to make the transition from being a meat eater to being a fruit and vegetables enthusiast.