British politicians say chocolate is responsible for soaring obesity rate

Mar 19, 2009 21:21 GMT  ·  By
British politicians want to put a government tax on chocolate, holding it responsible for the soaring obesity rate
   British politicians want to put a government tax on chocolate, holding it responsible for the soaring obesity rate

Obesity is by now a widespread-enough phenomenon to warrant positive action from the government. In the UK, for instance, the state is aiming to put a tax on chocolate to discourage people with weight issues from consuming it in such large quantities, much in the manner alcohol and cigarettes are taxed, reports in the British media reveal. Understandably, not few are those speaking against even the possibility of such a law being passed, Hilary Freeman of the Daily Mail being just one of them.

Saying that chocolate (and junk food, of course) is responsible for the obesity rate is like claiming cliffs are responsible for the many cases of suicide, Freeman shares. At the same time, it would mean punishing every citizen for the problems of a certain group that is, at the end of the day, the only one to be blamed for weight problems – those who gain weight on account of their health issues not included, of course. Not only would such a law be absurd, but it would also translate into condoning and encouraging the view of obesity as a “disease” that overweight people can’t fight, instead of making these very people understand that, when it comes down to it, they’re the only ones responsible.

“If you heard what Glasgow GP David Walker said last week, you’d be forgiven for thinking chocolate was responsible for Britain’s obesity epidemic. Blaming excessive consumption of chocolate for soaring rates of obesity-related illnesses, which are draining the NHS of funds, he called on the Government to tax it, in the same way cigarettes and alcohol are taxed. This warped logic makes me mad. Blaming chocolate for the obesity crisis is like blaming cliffs or hosepipes for causing suicides.” Freeman stresses.

In the same piece, she also draws attention to the much-overlooked fact that, in moderation, chocolate actually has countless benefits, not to mention that it is and will always be one of life’s smallest and most delicious pleasures. Taxing chocolate means shifting the focus from the real issue (namely people who have accepted they’re overweight and are now just indulging) to just one aliment that can cause weight gain if consumed without measure, the author states.

“Unlike cigarettes, which don’t do anyone any good, chocolate is not inherently bad for us. It’s moreish, but not addictive, contains antioxidants and mood-boosting chemicals, it’s fine for children and it’s not anti-social – quite the opposite, if you’re partial to a chocolate fondue. And, I believe, passively eating chocolate is perfectly safe, too.” Freeman adds, comparing chocolate to cigarettes.

Taxing chocolate would also mean depriving all British citizens of their right of choice, since they would have to pay more for it. “If you’re eating your entire daily calorie allowance in chocolate, as Dr. Walker says many people are doing, it’s because it’s your choice. Your problem isn’t chocolate; it’s your lack of self-control.” Freeman tells about overweight people who simply can’t resist the sweet temptation of chocolate.

In the end, it is this flawed mentality that makes the likes of the Chawner family feel entitled to ask for more government money because they are too fat to work and, as per their own admission, too “busy” to diet, Freeman also concludes by saying. For the entire scorching Daily Mail piece, go here.