Positive religious beliefs help faithful people recover more easily after a traumatic medical experience and provide them with high doses of optimism and patience

Aug 11, 2006 13:16 GMT  ·  By

A recent research found that religion helps people to better deal with stressful events and life problems, including post-operative pains and emotional disorders. Positive religious beliefs make people cope with traumatic medical experiences and go through rather difficult surgical interventions, while those who lack religion are more likely to suffer depression and emotional impairment.

The study conducted by researchers at the University of Washington, Seattle investigated how religious and nonreligious people recuperate after heart surgery. The conclusion was that the individuals who strongly believed in superior forces and shared positive religious beliefs were more likely to recuperate sooner, as they relied on a more stable and solid social and emotional background.

Study lead author Amy L. Ai stated: "These findings imply that health and mental health professionals should be more attentive to faith factors as inspirational or motivational springboards in some contexts."

On the other hand, people who admitted they do not have faith in God and had negative thoughts concerning religious beliefs were found to be more prone to delayed or no full post-surgical recovery.

"These pathways appear to be key in understanding how religious coping styles may be helpful or harmful to a person's ability to handle stressful situations. Those who perceive more support at this critical moment may feel more hopeful about their recovery," concluded the researching team.

It did not matter the type of religion volunteers involved in the study were adepts of. All that mattered was that they had spiritual beliefs, which provided them with a positive and optimistic way of seeing life and future. Therefore, having faith in God above is not good only for the after life, paving the believers' way to Eden. Religious beliefs are also extremely beneficial for the time spent on Earth, too, as they make it easier for those who have faith to get over difficult and stressful events.