A moderate consumption of red wine is actually recommended

Dec 12, 2008 10:16 GMT  ·  By

It has long been stated that one of the reasons why Mediterranean people are so slim, despite their high fat diet, and why they are also exposed to a lower risk of death by heart disease is the regulate consumption of red wine. The experts agree that a daily intake of wine, mainly the red kind, can actually have a positive effect on one's long term physical condition. Still, the same specialists warn that no one should go for more than one or two glasses of wine – one for women, two for men – as the results might be quite the opposite.


Those “in charge” with improving your health are actually the anti-oxidants that can be found in the red wine and, quite predictably, not the alcohol. These substances are polyphenols, anthrocynidins, resveratrol and they are mainly present in grape skin, seeds and twigs. White wine, on the other hand, is not as efficient as the red type, since it is obtained mostly from the pressed juice of the fruit.


The most important is the last anti-oxidant on the list, resveratrol, as many studies have proven that this particular substance actually works wonders with preventing vessels from becoming blocked by blood clots, which would eventually lead to heart strokes. Investigations carried out lately have demonstrated that heart attack risks for middle-aged men and women drinking red wine actually diminished with 30%-50%. And good news is still to come.


Besides its already proven anti-cancer results, it has also been discovered that resveratrol fights aging, too. It activates a protein called sirtuin, which restores the chromosomes suffering from the severe effects of aging. Scientist still don't know if red wine is the much coveted “fountain of youth,” but still, it is effective in delaying the most dreaded process of growing old.


Drinking red wine has lots of other good results, as it prevents kidney stone formation, and diminishes the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease. It can also be highly recommended to smokers, who suffer from a hardening of the blood vessels.


However, if one would ever imagine that drinking double the wine quantity could actually double the beneficial effects it has on the body, that would be a huge mistake. For instance, the result would be an immediate gain in pounds, as the compounds in the alcohol that the body cannot assimilate will soon turn into carbohydrates – and not the good kind. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, as they stay. So be moderate.