Harvest might be considerably damaged, argues one coffee grower

Sep 8, 2012 09:09 GMT  ·  By

Coffee connoisseurs probably know that Colombia is responsible for putting this morning drink on the tables of many people worldwide.

However, it now seems that one of the most important regions where this plant is grown is being threatened by a red spider plague.

Although this is not the first time when this particular pest decides to strike, local growers argue that the damage done by this mite has never been this significant.

One local farmer told members of the press that, “In all the years I've worked in coffee, I've never in my life seen such an attack.”

To make matters even worse, Colombian coffee production has already been weakened by the weather conditions which made their presence felt in this region throughout the past two years, which means that the coffee plants in this part of the world are all the more vulnerable to the red spider plague.

Those who wish to learn more on this topic can watch the video below.