Popular cosmetics company receives boost from financial crisis

Jan 12, 2009 08:35 GMT  ·  By
While cosmetics companies are taking a hit from the world crisis, Avon is blooming
   While cosmetics companies are taking a hit from the world crisis, Avon is blooming

While most major brands in the cosmetics industry are just beginning to feel the effects of the international financial recession and are announcing lower sales for 2009, Avon is one company for which things are truly looking up. Ever since before Christmas, the number of representatives has started to increase, and estimates indicate that this year will be an Avon year, as more and more employees that will be let go will turn to it to make a quick buck.

The popular cosmetics brand has been a constant presence on the scene for many years now, with analysts saying that, in 2009, women will begin to properly appreciate it again. This will happen, according to several reports in the online media, for two reasons: for one, the other brands will raise the prices on their products, which, in turn, will make Avon products even more convenient than what they were until now. Secondly, more and more female and male former employees will turn to Avon for a job, selling cosmetics from door to door, which translates into an increase in representatives and that can only mean one thing – higher revenues.

In England, for instance, the number of Avon representatives has already grown considerably, the vast majority of new recruits coming from fields like real estate, retail and the city administration apparatus. And it’s not just women who’ve been made redundant that turn to Avon for a pay, but men too, despite the fact that, until now, few were those who would actually deem the “job” a worthy one. For both, statistics say their number will continue to increase.

Moreover, Avon UK, which is now preparing to celebrate its 50th year of existence, is also thinking concrete measures to attract even more recruits than the ones it has now. More specifically, it will do so via several ads that will run both on TV and in major magazines, in the hope that more stay-at-home moms and former employees will see it as a significant source of income.

“Before working with Avon, many of my new recruits were finding it difficult to pay their bills but they’ve found that working with Avon allows them to really increase their income, while fitting their hours around family or other interests.” Anna Segatti, president of Avon UK, told the British media about the upcoming initiative.